
Clermont Northeastern and Grant Career Center wanted to make you aware that during the last school year, children and families benefited from no-cost school meals for all students, made possible by special permission from the United States Department of Agriculture. Unfortunately, these permissions have expired.  Grant Career Center and the Ohio Department of Education cannot extend the permissions for no-cost meals for all students

School meals will still be available to all students; however, lunch will not be free to all students. Full pay will be $3.25 and reduced lunch will be $.40. For this year we will be offering free breakfast for any students. We will need a current application on file for this year. Households may apply for free or reduced-price meal benefits. You can print the the application from our website https://5il.co/1er5c or you can fill the application out online at  https://www.lunchapplication.com/

If you have any questions, please feel free to email Terri Hoerth terri.hoerth@grantcareer.com